About Us

We will listen to you, we will care about you and your business, and we will help serve your IT needs.

“ Provide me with honest, accurate information and recommendations. ”
    Aaron Crawford, Fraternal Order of Police


Our Purpose

Is to protect service businesses from the injustice of cyber criminals and poor visibility.  These are avoidable factors that impact risk and profitability.  We have a fundamental issue with cyber criminals and their enterprises taking advantage of honest people and their businesses.  Our goal is to help you and your team through the transition of reacting to events, to a stage of proactive visibility and better cyber risk decisions.  The outcome is for you to evolve and become a harder target to compromise, so the attackers move onto easier targets.

Our Core Values

  • We improve our clients’ lives and businesses
  • We listen, we care, we serve
  • We respond to our clients’ needs with urgency and purpose
  • We follow through with our commitments
  • We check our egos, drama and distractions at the door
  • We practice open communication and believe in the value of collaboration
  • We face challenges through the lens of opportunity and growth​


Let's Talk

We understand that it takes time to form relationships.  You are likely feeling the pressure from numerous phone calls and emails from people trying to twist your arm and pressure you into to buying something fast.  We will treat you differently.  We will listen to you and treat you with respect.  If we are not a good fit for you, that is ok.  We are not a good fit for everyone, but that doesn’t mean we will stop respecting you.  If you are ready for an open conversation about your requirements and concerns, complete the form so we can coordinate a time to talk about what’s important to you.